We recently looked at creating silences from the command line, what about from programs?

While shell scripting for automated tasks is common, beyond a certain point their complexity justifies a different programming language be employed - such as Python. While you could shell out to amtool to create silences, there's also a simple REST API you can use. Python's date libraries makes this a little trickier than it could be, but the equivalent of the previous post's example is:

import requests
import socket
import datetime
import time

res = requests.post("http://alertmanager:9093/api/v2/silences", json={
    "matchers": [
        {"name": "job", "value": "myjob", "isRegex": False},
        {"name": "instance", "value": "{}:1234".format(socket.gethostname()), "isRegex": False},
    "startsAt": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()).isoformat(),
    "endsAt": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time() + 4*3600).isoformat(),
    "comment": "Backups on {}".format(socket.gethostname()),
    "createdBy": "My backup script",
silenceId = res.json()["silenceID"]


Once the script has finished its maintenance, you can then use the silence's id to remove the silence:

res = requests.delete("http://alertmanager:9093/api/v2/silence/{}".format(silence))


This Python code is doing the same as thing as amtool, so choose whichever approach makes the most sense for your situation.


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