A few weeks after 1.3.0, Prometheus 1.4.0 is out. Let's take a look.

This release contains 71 commits from 16 contributors, however there's only one big notable change. Alertmanagers can be specified now in the config file. This is done in the alertmanagers section of the config, which is very similar to scrape_configs.

For example the equivalent to providing -alertmanager.url=:9091/ as a flag is:

    - static_configs:
      - targets: ["localhost:9091"]

As with scrape_configs, relabelling is available to restrict which targets to use via the drop and keep actions and you can use any supported service discovery such as EC2, ConsulFile etc.


Aside from that, the only other new feature is that EC2 service discovery now supports EC2 profiles.

There's also a variety of smaller fixes and improvements, see the release notes for full details.


Unsure how to deploy the Alertmanager? Contact us.